Urinary incontinence is defined as "a condition in which there is
an involuntary loss of urine through the urethra enough to constitute a social
problem / physician." This is a symptom-heterogeneous problem is common in
elderly. Their presence in the person produces multiple psychological and
social problems because it has been shown that always helps: promote social
isolation, mental disorders, skin abrasions or urinary tract infections, and is
a common reason for admission to institutions.

Aging itself is not a cause of urinary incontinence, however, some
changes associated with age and the highest prevalence of certain diseases
predispose to its development.

For treatment, a nurse should recommend behavior change habits or
perineal rehabilitation, because with these typically get positive results. Here's
an important role nursing through standards and education boards, narrow serial
controls, help exercises, etc.Only if you have not managed to control
urination, is often used to drug therapy and / or surgery.
For all the comment, I think that urinary incontinence is a condition
that a nurse must know very well, as it is a widespread problem that will face
throughout the career. It is essential to know everything that involves the
incontinent patient, including the impact the disease has on the psychosocial
field and the quality of life of elderly.
- Martínez Gallardo et al. Incontinencia urinaria en el adulto mayorRev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2007; 45 (5): 513-521. Available in: http://www.mediagraphic.com/pdfs/imss/im-2007/im075n.pdf
- Engberg S, Kincade J, Thompson D. Future directions for incontinence research with frail elders. Nursing Research. 2004
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