Depression is one of the most common geriatric syndromes among elderly,
causing considerable disability and mortality. Depressive disorders are a major
social and public health problem because it alters the quality of life of the
sufferer and their environment. Also is a problem because it increases with age
among other factors due to the progressive aging of the population.
Particularly depression and mood disorders in general, have a high
prevalence and associated high morbidity. The prevalence varies by population
group in which we study (elderly in community homes or in hospitals) and
according to the diagnostic instrument used (with interview or scales).

The nursing intervention in this disease is vital, it must act on their
diagnosis and assessing their improvement helping to decrease medical diagnosis
of depression.
Balmón Cruz Carmen, Dorado Primo
Juan Alejandro. Detección y prevalencia de trastornos depresivos geriátricos en
atención primaria. Rev. Asoc. Esp. Neuropsiq. [revista en la Internet]. 2004
Jun. Available in:
Reis Mª, Gonçalves Silva Cláudia Mª, Longino Fernandes Toni. Depresión
(humor deprimido) en los mayores residentes en la comunidad. Gerokomos [revista
en la Internet]. 2009 Sep [citado 2012 Mar 30]. Available in:
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