miércoles, 15 de mayo de 2013


In my opinion, constipation is generally regarded as a minor problem, even normal. In our society today, is a very common problem, mainly due to lack of exercise and diet. But we must clarify that constipation is a symptom, not a disease.

In the elderly, the importance of the constipation is in the frequency, the problems that this can cause and how it affects the quality of life. The real constipation in this population is difficult to know, because there are not always consulted with the doctor and many more are the elderly that use self-medicating, because half of them take at least occasionally some type of laxative to treat.

With age the intestinal transit is usually slower. Further, the muscular strength is less and reduces the reflection of defecation. Among the causes of constipation can be found:
-          The lack of physical activity and immobility
-          Inappropriate feeding both quantity and quality, by a lack of dietary fiber.
-          Drink few water.
-          Self-medication with laxatives.
-          The side effect of certain medications such as antidepressants, iron, aluminum antacids, diuretics, anticholinergics or opioids, such as codeine
The nursing action will be based on several recommendations:
-Increase water consumption.
-Increase the amount of fibre in the daily diet by consuming more fruits, vegetables and legumes or whole grains also.
-Supporting mobility and exercise by walking or abdominal massage in people who are in bed or immobilized.

In addition to the above recommendations, is critical nursing role the patient education, to retrieve the habit of defecating regularly, if possible every day. The nurse should advise the patient to go from 10-15 minutes sitting on the toilet after breakfast, until you feel the urge to defecate, and if the patient does not get it, you must try again after lunch and dinner. The nurse also should teach the patient, the correct position for defecation, with feet elevated, because this position is more physiological and promotes emptying of the rectum.

- Juarranz Sanz M, Calvo Alcántara M.J,  Soriano Llora T. Tratamiento del estreñimiento en el anciano.  Revista de la SEMG. Nov 2003; 58: 603-6. Available in: http://www.medicinageneral.org/revista_58/pdf/603-606.pdf

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