professionals carry out important work evaluating the needs of patients and
care-givers. They also provide the required care, as well as transmit the
knowledge and skills of self-care. In the planning of care it is necessary to
evaluate the Basic Activities of Daily Living (BADL), essential for self-care,
such as cleaning and dressing oneself, using the bathroom among others.
Order to collect information about the ability of the elderly to perform normal activity, and maintain independence there are various scales to assess the
activities of daily living.
Among these is the index of Katz, Plutchik scale, index of Lawton and Brody or index of Barthel, which
I will highlight in this publication.
The Barthel Index is a measure of the level of independence in life
activities daily (ADLs). Measurement scale is the best known ADL, studied and
disseminated at International. It was described by Mahoney FI and Barthel DW in
1965, designed to measure rehabilitative treatment outcomes in patients
incapacitated by processes neuromuscular and skeletal muscle. Assesses 10 areas
of ADL (eating, transferring between the chair and the bed, grooming,
toileting, bathing, moving around, up and down stairs, dressing and undressing,
bowel control and control of urine).

The Barthel index provides information both from the overall score and
each one of the partial scores for each activity. This helps us understand what
are specific deficiencies of the person and facilitates the valuation of its
evolution temporary.
- Buzzini M, Secundini R, Gazzotti A, Lia Giradles R, Arbildo Castro RA, Druetta S,
S, Rodríguez Vélez A, Li Mau L. “Valoración del Indice de Barthel”. Boletín
del Departamento de Docencia e
Investigación IREP. Vol 6, nº 1. 2002.
- Trigas Ferrin, M. Escalas de valoración funcional en el anciano, 2011
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