The incessant growth in the life expectancy and the consequent ageing of
the population, it is associated with loss processes of health and quality of
life. This process is susceptible to attention of needs and comprehensive,
continuous and prolonged care.
Here, nurse has critical role because she cares and she provides comfort
and independence for improve the quality of life more than extend it. Geriatric
nurse hasn’t only these functions, also she keeps specific functions like follow
treatments and progress of the patient, prevention of complications and heath
education at patient and his family, not forgetting care function.
In my opinion, on the one hand the specialty of geriatrics hasn’t social
recognition that it has really such as others nursing specialty. On it
specialty nurse must have medical knowledge about the process of ageing
(influenced by the effects of environmental) and the ageing process (the
universal biological changes), besides nurse must possess social and empathic ability
with elderly.
On the other hand, geriatrics specialty has a personal reward with the relationship nurse- patient that it doesn’t others specialities.
In conclusion, I want highlight the importance of the nurse in
Geriatrics, she performs the assessment, planning, application of nursing care
in elderly for meet their needs. What is more, the nurse has the objective of
avert that elderly turn in a social duty or chronic ill, and get the most
dependence of the patient as is possible.
- García Hernández M, Martínez Sellares R. Enfermería y envejecimiento. 1º ed: Elsevier- Masson; 2012.
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